martes, 18 de febrero de 2014

Museum of Natural Science

This is the Museum of Natural Science  “Dr. Arturo Umberto Illía, in Cordoba Argentina, located at 395 Avenue Lugones Poeta Nueva Cordoba neighborhood of the capital city (northern sector of Parque Sarmiento) sample from the July 12, 2007, the stock in Natural Sciences which houses the province.
Originally, the government instructed the Rev. Jerome Córdoba Lavagna the foundation and direction of "Polytechnic Provincial Museum." All valuable collections that it would be the basis Lavagna donated Polytechnic Museum. Thereafter he worked in different places until it was set in the present place, a beautiful structure inside has setup staircase, with three circular floorboards that are interconnected by ramps to allow continuous flow of visitors and a permanent visual stimulus.

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